Modes of infection and mechanisms of development of Covid-19

Coronavirus is caused by mutations that result in a new type of virus. The source of coronavirus infection is usually a sick person. However, the period of infectivity is indefinitely long.


Some animals (monkeys, birds, snakes, etc.) can be the source of coronavirus. The source of the new type of pathogen (2019 nCov) is likely to be bats. At the same time, there is currently no evidence that domestic animals (such as dogs or cats) can transmit the 2019 nCov coronavirus.


The pathogens cannot be transmitted directly through objects, doorknobs, parcels, food, if hand hygiene and food handling rules are followed. Do not touch your face, nose, mouth, or eyes with contaminated hands and objects. Therefore, it is recommended to wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water or treat them with disinfectants.


The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, airborne dust, and fecal-oral routes. Transmission factors include nasopharyngeal secretions, vomit, feces of birds, animals, and sick people.


The susceptibility to coronavirus is very high in humans, and the disease threatens all age groups. The antigenic diversity of viruses causes a significant frequency of reinfection with pathogens of other serological types.


To date, the pathogenetic mechanisms of coronavirus infection are not well understood. The mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract is the entry gate for the infection. When affected by the 2019-nCov pathogen, the infection rapidly spreads to the bronchi and lungs.


In the case of the fecal-oral transmission mechanism, the disease manifests itself in the form of gastrointestinal tract lesions.


The disease is accompanied by the synthesis of antibodies that do not guarantee protection against reinfection.


Clinical manifestations

For most coronavirus infections, the incubation period is limited to 2-3 days. However, for the 2019-nCov coronavirus, this period can range from 1 to 14 days (10 days on average).

During this period, a person can infect others. The disease most often occurs as a common flu, parainfluenza, or any other acute respiratory infection with all the symptoms characteristic of them.

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